Aston University Ferguson Scholarship 2024/25

Are you a talented student from India or an African country looking to pursue a Master’s degree in a health-related field? Look no further than the Aston University Ferguson Scholarship! This prestigious scholarship offers financial support to exceptional students seeking postgraduate study in specific science programs at Aston University.

What Programs are Eligible?

The Ferguson Scholarship is available for students applying to one of the following Master of Science (MSc) programs offered by Aston University:

  • MSc Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience: This program delves into the fascinating world of the brain, exploring how thoughts, emotions, and behavior are influenced by neural processes.
  • MSc Drug Delivery: This program equips students with the knowledge and skills required to develop innovative methods for delivering drugs effectively and safely within the body.
  • MSc Pharmaceutical Sciences: Ideal for those interested in the science behind drug development, this program covers various aspects of pharmaceutical research and formulation.
  • MSc Pharmacokinetics: This specialized program focuses on understanding how drugs are absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and eliminated by the body.
  • MSc Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine: This cutting-edge program explores the potential of stem cells to treat a variety of diseases and injuries.
  • MSc Psychology (Conversion programme): This program is designed for those with a non-psychology degree who wish to gain the necessary qualifications to pursue a career in psychology.
  • MSc Health Psychology: This program focuses on the psychological factors that influence health and well-being, equipping graduates to address health-related issues from a psychological perspective.

Who Can Apply?

To be eligible for the Aston University Ferguson Scholarship, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Nationality: You must be a citizen of India or an African country.
  • Offer for an MSc Program: You must hold a conditional or unconditional offer of admission for one of the eligible MSc programs listed above.
  • Academic Qualifications: You must possess a 2:1 degree (or equivalent) in a subject relevant to your chosen MSc program. A 2:1 degree is a good second-class upper division degree in the UK grading system.
  • Personal Statement: You are required to submit a strong personal statement as part of your course application, highlighting your academic achievements, career goals, and reasons for applying for the scholarship.
  • Funding Status: You must be a self-funded student, meaning your studies will not be financed by another scholarship or sponsorship program.

How to Apply

Applying for the Ferguson Scholarship is a two-step process:

Step 1: Apply for Your Chosen MSc Program

  • Visit the Aston University website and find the application portal for your chosen MSc program.
  • Complete the online application form, ensuring you meet all the program-specific requirements.
  • Submit a strong personal statement showcasing your academic background, career aspirations, and reasons for choosing Aston University.

Step 2: Register Your Interest for the Scholarship

  • Once you have submitted your application for your chosen MSc program, locate the online form for the Ferguson Scholarship on the Aston University website (link provided below).
  • Complete the scholarship application form, providing any additional information required.

Important Dates

  • Application Deadline: Applications for the Ferguson Scholarship close on May 30, 2024. Ensure you submit all application materials before this deadline.
  • Website: For more detailed information and the scholarship application form, visit the Aston University Ferguson Scholarship webpage: Link

Benefits of the Ferguson Scholarship

While the exact value of the scholarship award may vary, the Ferguson Scholarship typically offers a significant financial contribution towards your tuition fees for your chosen MSc program at Aston University. This can significantly reduce your overall study expenses, making it easier to pursue your academic goals.

Why Choose Aston University?

Aston University is a renowned research university located in Birmingham, England. They offer a vibrant and diverse learning environment with a strong focus on research and innovation. Aston University boasts excellent facilities, experienced faculty, and a supportive student community. With an MSc degree from Aston University, you will gain valuable knowledge and skills that will equip you for a successful career in your chosen field.

Taking the Next Step

If you are a high-caliber student from India or an African country with a passion for health sciences, the Aston University Ferguson Scholarship is a fantastic opportunity to elevate your academic journey. With its financial support and excellent educational environment, Aston University can be the perfect place to pursue your Master’s degree.

Don’t delay! Review the eligible programs, carefully consider your application materials, and submit your application for the Ferguson Scholarship before the deadline.

Good luck!


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